Life is getting harder nowadays. I am really shocked by the fact that, the property market is growing so fast that nowadays the people buy house like buy a pair of shoe despite the price is shocking high ( Blame the xx Government, we could have better living in Malaysia! XD ). I don't know is this mean people nowadays is very rich indeed or just me remain POOR at the BOTTOM?haha... I really don't have that chunk of money now though it is my dream to own a house with my own desired design. I so upset that I really don't think that I am able to buy a house on my own before marriage (点解我吾是李嘉诚的女儿 T_______T ).
I know I don't have a high earning job, but I believe If you can't manage your money, you can't manage your life. Learn to manage money is a MUST-DO in everyone's life. Money management involve invest, sourcing, diversify, financing and etc etc (arrghh so stressed....>.< ) which I have little knowledge (that's why I'm poor T___T ). Anyway, I think what I can do at the least now is I record my money spending. Thanks to the powerful internet and technology, I can easily jot down every cents of my spending with my phone. So I like to roughly share with you the apps I'm currently using.
Guess which one ?
Is the Piggie !
You can get it from apps store for $0.99 (If not wrong).
Firstly, you need to create a master chart of account, in layman term : expense category
so that you can book your expenses into the category you want.
At the end of the day, you will know where you spent your money.
Herewith some of the category I had set up.
You can set it up by click the button at top with the arrow down, click setting.
Then click the flash - manage category shortcut,
you can name any category tailored to your own preference.
Then, the cute thing is you can select the icon available as shortcut to the category
Question you might need to take into consideration before builing the chart:
a.) what are the common spending in the past?
b.) What are the spending I'll probably spend in future?
c.) When I overview the expense, what are the things I want to see?
(what I mean is how detail is your records so that you can analyse it accordingly)
Other setting includes : currency, password, font, display , sound.
After setting up, you can start to record.
Can you spot the flash?click it
Then, it will pop up this:
You can input the amount, category, date of the expense.
Optional, you can put in as much details of the spending you like.
Furthermore, you can take picture of the item!!
(spot the camera icon at bottom)
This apps helps to calculate :
1.) Average daily/Monthly/Yearly expenses,
eg: 1/31 days, you use 0.03 bucks per day.
2.) Ytd vs Today ,
3.) Percentage of each expense (by Monthly & Yearly)
4.) Pie Chart & Line chart by Month & by Year
5.) If the above features looks complicate,
you can just look at the total
to have an overview of the trend of your expenses
6.) Set recurring expenses by yearly/monthly.
(spot the second button at top)
( I find it a bit cacat for this feature
as it not auto book the expense monthly)
7.) Search for the item of your expense
(you must first set the description of the item only then it will show the result)

Overall, these are general features I will look into,
which sometimes I find it interesting at the end of every month.
The first few month end of usage, I shocked with the total money I spent.
I was like : I just spend little only maaa, why it becomes so much one??!!!
Huh...I spent the most on this and that???!! etc etc
You are not robot,
I'm sure u can't remember what and how much you spent for last week.
It's just like manage a company.
Without recording, you won't know how much the company make profits,
Then Another thing is,
You can also compare the price of a particular item with foreign country's.
This is useful when you shopping at oversea and different shops
Because you can search the records to get the price for comparison!
(Remember first you must put in the desription or tagging)
Great right?
And ya, you can also book the expense in foreign currency,
then it will auto convert to local currency.
(based on the applicable rate)
In long term, you can also see the grow of inflation !
( lol sound so advanced haha..I'm kidding)
Let's say today I bought 1kg flour RM 10,
2 years later it goes up to RM 11
Trace back the records, you can get the idea and then plan ahead.
I'm just saying .. Haha XDu
Now I am trained to memorize my spending of the day,
I can just jot down the expenses easily at the end of the day
instead of as at when I PAID the money
EXPERT already
Besides, of the above features:
8.) Back up/Import/Export your data
There is back up function available for you to store your data.
You can always refer to the Help Menu
for intruduction & instruction of setting up
Hope it helps!
: )