My first experience went on trip at Lang Tengah Island with friends.
I've learnt that, a memorable trip, depends on the person you go with.
Only a memorable trip could stir up your memory everytime you think of it.
Didnt get much pic as I dont have camera : (
Didnt get much pic as I dont have camera : (
Raynor, a friend who keep me secured along the journey. I'm touched.
Holding my hands all along the snorkelling ♥ I shy
There was a time when the sea is wavy cos of the wind, so we all was instructed to go back on the boat.
Guess what its much harder to swim when the sea is wavy!
And funny, Raynor was PANTING when we got back on the boat.
So I asking him, why are you panting? very exhausted meh? I'm not tired oso worr....
He said, there was a boat come close right beside you CAN'T you see??!!
I was stunned!! what the heck is going on?there was a boat? I dont freaking notice it nehh.
He is so want to pinch my neck >.<
No wonder he keep pushing my leg from behind!! LOL
So, im being a joker again XD
So, we saw triggerfish.
Triggerfish bites!
So, becareful when ya all main main in the sea.
Jangan main main dengan ini macam main main punya fish. Fish ini bukan main main ya !
A pic of this cute but nasty trigger.
Saying from the agent cum diver that this fish did BITE down EARS of a guy
So, bukan main main punya.
We had a long chatting with the diver. His life just so relaxed and adventurous, keep diving! : )
So, this funny punya diver tells a joke
pls read in Cantonese:
全部静静 zZzzz
又静静不出声 zZzzz
叫听不到(岛) !!
No one gets his JOKE. But we laugh alot !!!
lastly he asked
em zi dou ~ 不知 "岛" ^^
ReplyDelete错!是 渣烂岛!! since then my fren called it zhalan island!! 哈哈。。。笑死我!